Platform Developer 2
Practice Exams

Salesforce Platform Developer 2 Practice Exams

Updated March 2025Take This Course

I found the Platform Developer 2 practice exams very useful. Could not imagine passing the test without them.
Brian Broughton

"I found the Platform Developer 2 practice exams very useful. Could not imagine passing the test without them."

~ Brian Broughton

Take the Tour

Salesforce Platform Developer 2
Practice Exams

The Overview

In order to pass the Platform Developer 2 certification, you'll find that knowledge and experience of the Salesforce platform aren't enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself.

Salesforce Platform Developer 2 - Practice Exams Overview

You need to try plenty of practice questions that cover all of the study guide objectives. It also helps if the practice questions are in similar format to the actual exam e.g. scenario based, multiple correct answer and the practice exam is timed.

Salesforce Platform Developer 2 - Practice Exams Overview

That's why we created the Platform Developer 2 Practice Exams.

It will help you understand confusing or difficult concepts from the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide and brush up on your skills - all in a format that is similar to the actual exam and has been proven to work with thousands of happy customers.

Salesforce Platform Developer 2 - Practice Exams Overview

The Overview

In order to pass Platform Developer 2 certification, you'll find that knowledge and experience of the Salesforce platform aren't enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself.

You need to try plenty of practice questions that cover all of the study guide objectives.

It also helps if the practice questions are in similar format to the actual exam; e.g. scenario based, multiple correct answers and the practice exam is timed.

Salesforce Platform Developer 2 - Topic Exams
Salesforce Platform Developer 2 - Practice Questions and Answers

That's why we created the Platform Developer 2 Practice Exams.

It will help you understand confusing or difficult concepts from the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide and brush up on your skills - all in a format that is similar to the actual exam and has been proven to work with thousands of happy customers.

What's Included

  • Over 300 practice questions
  • 3 full practice exams of 60 questions each, same as the actual exam
  • Practice questions that cover all 5 sections and 28 objectives of the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide
  • Each exam is timed, so you can test yourself under timed conditions
  • Single and multiple choice questions as in actual exam
  • Topic Exams - practice questions on a specific topic to ensure that you have grasped it
  • Detailed explanations, screenshots and reference links so you are not left wondering
  • Section level feedback - so you know where you need to concentrate your study
  • Scenario based questions
  • Ask any questions you have regarding the topics and get a personal response in the forums
  • Unlimited Access and Updates for 12 months
  • Take the practice exams as many times as you like within the access period of 12 months
Updated March 2025Enroll Now


Dhananjay Kumar

"I completed my Salesforce Platform Developer II certification successfully.

You are doing amazing work on preparing the courses and particularly the practice test questions. I liked the way you put together all the topics precisely and systematically."

Aaron Jorgenson

"It's a good day! I passed the Platform Developer II certification.

Thanks Focus on Force for the amazing exam study guide and practice exams!"

David Scullion

"I passed the Platform Developer II Multiple Choice Exam Today.

I plan to continue to use FocusOnForce since it is such a great tool to prep for the exam and much more. I think continuing to use this tool and Salesforce Trailheads I will be successful at completing the second part to become PDII certified.

Thank you for making this website so great and affordable."

What's Included

  • Over 300 practice questions
  • 3 full practice exams of 60 questions each, same as the actual exam
  • Practice questions that cover all 8 sections and 38 objectives of the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide
  • Questions cover every objective within each of the sections
  • Each exam is timed, so you can test yourself under timed conditions
  • Single and multiple choice questions as in actual exam
  • Topic Exams - practice questions on a specific topic to ensure that you have grasped it
  • Detailed explanations, screenshots and reference links so you are not left wondering
  • Section level feedback - so you know where you need to concentrate your study
  • Scenario based questions
  • Ask any questions you have regarding the topics and get a personal response in the forums
  • Unlimited Access and Updates for 12 months
  • Take the practice exams as many times as you like within the access period of 12 months
Updated March 2025Enroll Now


Dhananjay Kumar

"I completed my Salesforce Platform Developer II certification successfully.
You are doing amazing work on preparing the courses and particularly the practice test questions. I liked the way you put together all the topics precisely and systematically."

Andy Scarborough

"It's a good day! I passed the Platform Developer II certification.

Thanks Focus on Force for the amazing exam study guide and practice exams!"

Thomas Barrett

"I passed the Developer II Multiple Choice Exam Today. I plan to continue to use FocusOnForce since it is such a great tool to prep for the exam and much more. I think continuing to use this tool and Salesforce Trailheads I will be successful at completing the second part to become PDII certified.

Thank you for making this website so great and affordable."

Why Choose Us?

I'm Martin Gessner, founder of Focus on Force.

I've spent ten years working with the Salesforce platform in various roles (including business analyst, project manager, consultant, solutions designer and solutions architect), and worked my way through 10 certifications in order to move up the career ladder.

Salesforce Certifications

I created Focus on Force after realizing that others could benefit from the methods I used to pass Salesforce certifications.

Salesforce Practice Exams and Questions

Thousands of people from around the world have found them to be hugely valuable. Check out our testimonials

Updated March 2025Enroll Now

Why Choose Us?

Martin-Gessner-FocusOnForce Founder

I'm Martin Gessner, founder of Focus on Force.

I've spent eight years working with the Salesforce platform in various roles (including business analyst, project manager, consultant, solutions designer and solutions architect), and worked my way through 10 certifications in order to move up the career ladder.

Salesforce Certifications

I created Focus on Force after realizing that others could benefit from the methods I used to pass Salesforce certifications.

Salesforce Practice Exams and Questions

Thousands of people from around the world have found them to be hugely valuable. Check out our testimonials

Updated March 2025Enroll Now

With our study guides, you get to...

Improve your knowledge and confidence.

Brush upon your Salesforce training or kick off your learning if you don't have on-the-job experience.

Stay free from boredom!

No long, tedious walls of text to read through! Instead you'll find screenshots, links for references, review Q&As for every topic, and lots of other engaging stuff.

Learn efficiently.

We help you focus on the key points you'll need to know in order to pass.

With our study guides, you get to...

Improve your knowledge and confidence.

Brush upon your Salesforce training or kick off your learning if you don't have on-the-job experience.

Stay free from boredom!

No long, tedious walls of text to read through! Instead you'll find screenshots, links for references, review Q&As for every topic, and lots of other engaging stuff.

Learn efficiently.

We help you focus on the key points you'll need to know in order to pass.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I interact with a real person at all?

How many of the practice questions will I find on the actual exam?

Why should I pay for this, when there are many free sites out there?

Is there a money back guarantee?

Is it possible to review questions by topic?

What release are the questions based on?

Is there a limit for access to the practice exams?


Brian Broughton

"I found the Platform Developer 2 practice exams very useful. Could not imagine passing the test without them."

Chellappa Karimanoor

"I passed my Platform Developer II on Monday. The theory given in this course helped so much. We can't just really study the Salesforce documentation with 500+ pages.

Thanks a lot to Focus on Force for preparing such a good course."

Ahmed Keshk

"For sure I found the Platform Developer 2 practice exams very useful and organized."

Brian Broughton

"I found the Platform Developer 2 practice exams very useful. Could not imagine passing the test without them."

Ahmed Keshk

"For sure I found the Platform Developer 2 practice exams very useful and organized."

Chellappa Karimanoor

"I passed my Platform Developer II on Monday. The theory given in this course helped so much. We can't just really study the Salesforce documentation with 500+ pages.

Thanks a lot to Focus on Force for preparing such a good course."

Complete your study package with the Salesforce Platform Developer II
Study Guide

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