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Sales Inquiry

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Customer Support

Get in touch with our customer support team who are readily available during support hours.

User Feedback

There's nothing more important than hearing what our users think about us and how we can meet your needs!

Feature Requests

Something's missing? Do you have a certification or feature in mind that we don't currently have? Let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions

Pre-Sales Inquiries

What are the payment options?

Can I use AMEX?

I'm getting a transaction error, what should I do?

Is there a money back guarantee?

Do you offer discounts or have a company plan?

Customer Support

Why don't I see my courses anymore?

Can I swap the course I purchased with another?

How can I update my email address?

How do I report a bug?

General Questions

What release are the courses based on?

Is there a limit for access to the courses?

About the Practice Exams

Do I interact with a real person at all?

How many of the practice questions will I find on the actual exam?

Is it possible to review questions by topic?

We are happy to help.

Please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Support Turnaround

We answer support mails throughout the day from Monday to Friday. You will get a response within one day during weekdays, usually it will be faster. We also respond to support mails on the weekend but the response will be slower so please be patient.

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