App Builder Certification
Practice Exams
App Builder
Practice Exams

I found the practice exams very effective. They identified specific areas I needed to improve in, which allowed me to concentrate my studying time on those areas, and I passed the test as a result. Thanks! ~ Matt Edmondson

"I found the practice exams very effective. They identified specific areas I needed to improve in, which allowed me to concentrate my studying time on those areas, and I passed the test as a result. Thanks!"
~ Matt Edmondson
Take the Tour
App Builder Practice Exams
The Overview
In order to pass App Builder certification, you'll find that knowledge and experience of the Salesforce platform aren't enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself.

You need to try plenty of practice questions that cover all of the study guide objectives. It also helps if the practice questions are in similar format to the actual exam e.g. scenario based, multiple correct answer and the practice exam is timed.

That's why we created the App Builder Practice Exams.
It will help you understand confusing or difficult concepts from the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide and brush up on your skills - all in a format that is similar to the actual exam and has been proven to work with thousands of happy customers.

The Overview
In order to pass App Builder certification, you'll find that knowledge and experience of the Salesforce platform aren't enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself.
You need to try plenty of practice questions that cover all of the study guide objectives.
It also helps if the practice questions are in similar format to the actual exam; e.g. scenario based, multiple correct answers and the practice exam is timed.

That's why we created the App Builder Certification Practice Exams.
It will help you understand confusing or difficult concepts from the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide and brush up on your skills - all in a format that is similar to the actual exam and has been proven to work with thousands of happy customers.
Look Inside
What's Included

Adam Schoolsky
"A BIG thanks for the well organized Platform App Builder study material and mock exams.
Using the course material and then the practice exams, I was able to gauge where I needed to spend more study time.
The fee for this material is a pittance to pay, for the tremendous value I received (not complaining, mind you)."

Brenna Hawley Craig
"These tests were so incredibly helpful for studying for the exam. I used your App Builder test, which was a life-saver in a relatively new testing area, and the Admin test as well.
I passed both on my first try! I’ve recommended them to other folks I work with for studying for their exams. I especially appreciate the links to the Salesforce help articles in relation to the questions."

Manfred Lurz
"I passed the exam with the first attempt.
Your Exam Mockups were extremely helpful to prepare for the test and I will recommend to my colleagues to use them as well."
What's Included

Adam Schoolsky
"A BIG thanks for the well organized Platform App Builder study material and mock exams.
Using the course material and then the practice exams, I was able to gauge where I needed to spend more study time.
The fee for this material is a pittance to pay, for the tremendous value I received (not complaining, mind you)."

Brenna Hawley Craig
"These tests were so incredibly helpful for studying for the exam. I used your App Builder test, which was a life-saver in a relatively new testing area, and the Admin test as well.
I passed both on my first try! I’ve recommended them to other folks I work with for studying for their exams. I especially appreciate the links to the Salesforce help articles in relation to the questions."

Manfred Lurz
"I passed the exam with the first attempt.
Your Exam Mockups were extremely helpful to prepare for the test and I will recommend to my colleagues to use them as well."
Why Choose Us?
I'm Martin Gessner, founder of Focus on Force.
I've spent ten years working with the Salesforce platform in various roles (including business analyst, project manager, consultant, solutions designer and solutions architect), and worked my way through 10 certifications in order to move up the career ladder.

I created Focus on Force after realizing that others could benefit from the methods I used to pass Salesforce certifications.

Thousands of people from around the world have found them to be hugely valuable. Check out our testimonials
Why Choose Us?
I'm Martin Gessner, founder of Focus on Force.
I've spent eight years working with the Salesforce platform in various roles (including business analyst, project manager, consultant, solutions designer and solutions architect), and worked my way through 10 certifications in order to move up the career ladder.

I created Focus on Force after realizing that others could benefit from the methods I used to pass Salesforce certifications.

Thousands of people from around the world have found them to be hugely valuable. Check out our testimonials
With our study guides, you get to...

Improve your knowledge and confidence.
Brush upon your Salesforce training or kick off your learning if you don't have on-the-job experience.

Stay free from boredom!
No long, tedious walls of text to read through! Instead you'll find screenshots, links for references, review Q&As for every topic, and lots of other engaging stuff.

Learn efficiently.
We help you focus on the key points you'll need to know in order to pass.
With our study guides, you get to...

Improve your knowledge and confidence.
Brush upon your Salesforce training or kick off your learning if you don't have on-the-job experience.

Stay free from boredom!
No long, tedious walls of text to read through! Instead you'll find screenshots, links for references, review Q&As for every topic, and lots of other engaging stuff.

Learn efficiently.
We help you focus on the key points you'll need to know in order to pass.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I interact with a real person at all?
How many of the practice questions will I find on the actual exam?
Why should I pay for this, when there are many free sites out there?
Is there a money back guarantee?
Is it possible to review questions by topic?
What release are the questions based on?
Is there a limit for access to the practice exams?

Kristin Hasna
"The practice exams were very useful and practical. I was able to pass the app builder exam on the first try and I’m so glad I had the practice exams as a resource."

"Thank you for providing such a good study material; it definitely helped me passing the App Builder exam; yes I am now Salesforce App Builder Certified, and I am very happy.
The study material and exams are a great source for passing the exams! The combo of study guide and mock exams are very good. A very good preparation indeed."

Jason Marshall
"I got a lot out of the course.
The instructor provides in-depth details and goes over a lot of content. I would highly recommend this course as one of the tools in your arsenal to pass the Salesforce App Builder certification."

Kristin Hasna
"The practice exams were very useful and practical. I was able to pass the App Builder exam on the first try and I’m so glad I had the practice exams as a resource."

Chris Snip
"Thank you for providing such a good study material; it definitely helped me passing the App Builder exam; yes I am now Salesforce App Builder Certified, and I am very happy.
The study material and exams are a great source for passing the exams! The combo of study guide and mock exams are very good. A very good preparation indeed."

Jason Marshall
"I got a lot out of the course.
The instructor provides in-depth details and goes over a lot of content. I would highly recommend this course as one of the tools in your arsenal to pass the Salesforce App Builder certification."
Complete your study package with the
App Builder Study Guide
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I approved my Admin test on february 28, 2022, at first try!
Focus on Force was an excellent tool to do that.
Next, I’m going to take the Platform App Builder courses.
Thanks a lot.
Amazing news!!! Congratulations, Benjamin!
Thank you FocusonForce provide the amazing practice exam. I have passed my Platform App Builder exam on 05/23/2021.
Hi Amit, congrats on passing the exam. We’re really happy to hear that our materials helped!
I passed the Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification on Feb 14,2021.Thanks focusonforce for scenario based questions and detailed explanations.I passed my exam on the first attempt.
Congratulations, Nivedita! Thanks for sharing your experience with the community! We are glad to know that we are able to help, cheers!
I’ve just passed App Builder exam with passing score 74%. My only learning material was the set of practice exam questions here on Focus On Force. I did all questions 2-3 times. Every time I analyzed the context of a question trying explore unknown areas. Thank you, Forcus on Force for this excellent material.
Congratulations, it’s great to hear that you passed with the help of our materials.
Just passed the exam with a nice passing result of 76,3%. While studying here on FocusOnForce, I focussed on four topics: I scored significantly higher in these topices during the test.
Congratulations on passing, Growteq!
Thank you very much, I have passed the Platform Developer I exam, the key to success is to combine knowledge and experience with exam practice.
I appeared for my Salesforce Platform App Builder certification on April 11, 2017. I am thankful to focusonforce for their accurate questions that I could pass this exam with confidence. I am now going to register for the Salesforce Certified Administrator Certification exam ADM 201 and I hope to pass it very soon.
Thanks again