Benefits of Instructor-Led Salesforce Training

Information is power and setting aside a portion of time each week specifically for Salesforce training is a path that many successful Salesforce professionals have chosen to better master their craft.

Self-studying is the most common method of learning Salesforce but more and more learners are now choosing the instructor-led training route.

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What is instructor-led Salesforce training?

Instructor-led Salesforce training is when you go into a classroom, either physically or virtually, to learn from an industry expert. If you choose a reputable training provider, you'll be led by a professional who not only has years of experience in Salesforce, but also has a team of content providers who create the content provided in the class. There will be a lot of different types of content, from slide decks to in-depth drills and exercise guides to practice exams and interactive activities.

An instructor will lead you through the materials to make sure you get the most out of your time. The most significant advantage of instructor-led Salesforce training is being taught by a specialist who provides you with their knowledge, experience, and mentorship. This encourages interaction and conversation amongst learners, while also connecting learners with instructors.

With an instructor-led Salesforce training package, you can switch from traditional learning arrangements to virtual sessions. Physical training rooms can be transitioned to virtual training rooms — eliminating the need for pens, paper, and spreadsheets.

There are a variety of instructor-led Salesforce training

options available, including:

Face-to-face instruction which takes place in a physical setting

Webinar software or other virtual environments are used to give virtual live training.

Private courses are offered to a small group of people and are frequently personalized.

Any member of the public can sign up for public courses that are open to everyone.

The benefits of instructor-led Salesforce training

Instructor-led Salesforce training has a number of advantages:

You can learn at the comfort of your own home

A virtual classroom platform can be done for one-on-one sessions, presentations, or webinars. It allows Salesforce learners to interact with their instructor and learn more effectively. Questions regarding the Salesforce platform can be answered in real-time by the trainer, and students can learn together and give each other support.

Many training packages are adaptable

Companies can get instructor-led training sessions that are customizable to the needs of their employees based on several factors such as their function, role, and location, and training sessions can be planned accordingly.

Instructor-led Salesforce training programs can also help new employees get started quickly and easily.

External partner training

Instructor-led Salesforce training helps a company, its employees, and people who come from outside work to learn and achieve the common goal of getting certified. It also helps to close any communication gaps that may be between internal and outside players.

Different learning styles can be accommodated

People learn in different ways, and another benefit of instructor-led Salesforce training is that it can accommodate a variety of learning styles. Instructors can adjust their pace to meet your needs, combining the best of both classroom and eLearning. 

A fully immersive learning environment

Throughout instructor-led instruction, individuals are motivated to engage in real-time. You can ask questions, collaborate with peers, and discuss specific scenarios. Learners can also put their newly learned skills to the test by participating in interactive video simulations and other relevant activities.

Deeper discussions, live interaction with the trainer, and quick clarification of doubts make learning more fun and inspiring.

Learners can get feedback from instructors

Learners can quickly track their learning issues and improvements. Instructors can give feedback on how students are progressing, how well they are resolving issues, and how well they do during exercises and scenarios.

An all-encompassing learning experience

Salesforce is a very specific niche and learning it is about grasping concepts, applying, and testing new knowledge and skills. When it comes to an immersive learning experience, instructor-led Salesforce training allows you to actively participate in each learning session, whether it is virtual or in a classroom setting.

Instructor-led salesforce training also frequently involves activities such as brainstorming, problem-solving, and role-playing to accomplish certain goals. You will then return to the online learning platform to put your new skills to the test.

The most significant benefit of classroom training is that you can interact with subject matter experts in real time. These resources are available online as part of the training program's eLearning component. Overall, you will have more opportunities to study, practice, repeat, and explore new knowledge and abilities as a result of this. More opportunities lead to a deeper understanding, which leads to better recall and application on the job.

Complex talent and high-risk jobs will benefit greatly from it

Certain talents and job positions make instructor-led Salesforce training a must-have rather than a nice-to-have. So, when is it appropriate to use instructor-led training? It works best when the skills are hard to learn or when the job requires high-risk tasks and responsibilities.

Why is instructor-led training important?

  1. 1
    It allows you to focus on the learning materials without having to deal with the distractions that can happen when you self-study.
  2. 2
    It actually helps students learn quicker because of teamwork and peer interaction.
  3. 3
    You can learn from anywhere in the world by way of virtual instructor-led Salesforce training.
  4. 4
    You can learn in-demand skills from Salesforce experts and leaders in the industry.
  5. 5
    You will earn internationally recognized qualifications that will indicate your knowledge to current and potential employers. Earn resume-worthy certifications and showcase your talents.
  6. 6
    You will be able to join a worldwide community of Salesforce learners and professionals.


Instructor-led Salesforce training provides learners and businesses with a cost-effective learning experience in real-time. It provides more than just clear communication between students and teachers – it also makes learning more interesting by encouraging people to work together.

It allows you the freedom to conduct training online at any time and from any location. Virtual instructor-led training is an important component of blended learning because it delivers the correct balance of virtual and traditional learning. 

Author: Martin Gessner

Martin Gessner is the Founder of Focus on Force. 

He has spent over 10 years working in various Salesforce roles including business analyst, project manager, consultant and solutions architect. Along the way he has earned twelve certifications, published "The Salesforce Career Playbook", and helps Salesforce professionals learn more about Salesforce, develop their career and prepare for certifications.

What Certification are you studying for now?

Focus on Force currently provides practice exams and study guides for sixteen certifications


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