Sample Questions

Salesforce Data Architect

This sample practice exam will give you an idea of what you can expect from our fully fledged Salesforce Data Architect Exams. It only contains a fraction of the questions from our main practice exams, but we've still made sure it's incredibly useful!

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There are 10 random sample questions that cover the topics in the exam. To start, simply choose your exam mode below and click Begin.


This is just a sample, for the real experience take a look at our Data Architect practice exams.

Sample Data Architect Practice Exam

Data Architect Sample Exam

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I have never failed an exam that I have used FoF to study for. The study guides go through the information required in an easy-to-digest method. The practice exams really help to focus (see what I did there) on the information and how it might be presented in a real exam. I always recommend FoF to anyone looking to study for a certification.

Peter Caitens

Very helpfull on the road to becoming a Salesforce Certified Data Architect

Allan Pheiffer

As always I find the practice exams from Focus on Force invaluable to give you the confidence you are on the right lines heading up to certification time. Thanks for the help again!

Ho Lam Cheung

I passed the DA test on my first attempt. I did some of the trail mixes but the vast majority of my study time was spent here on Focus on Force. To anyone worried about the test, I suggest you do the same!

Tevin Daughtry

Passed the Data Architect exam on the first try using Focus on Force study guide and the practice exams. Very helpful. This was the final exam I needed to earn the Application Architect cert.

Michael Griffith

I just passed the Data Architecture and Management Certification Exam. I started learning Salesforce in June of 2019 with FoF and Trailhead, got a nice job in January, and now I got the rewarding Application Architect Certification. I almost exclusively learned with FoF and I´m very happy that this great Platform exists, it was definitely a big part of my lifechanging experience of the last year. Thanks for all the great material!

Thomas Schmidt

The best way to prepare for the official exam is to take the practice exams here and take notes on what you get wrong.

Scott Hamilton

Thank you for a great course. This is a training with a nice mix of theory and practice

Enisa Salihodzic

I just passed the exam on my first try using Trail Head and Focus on Force. The materials provided here covered everything I needed. On the practice exams, I scored 82% and 83%. On the real exam, I scored 80%. So it is really a representative of the exam. As a bonus, I am now a Certified Application Architect courtesy of Focus on Force. Great work by Martin and the team.

David Montgomery

Great materials because you explain things with references and screen captures. And despite being a person that asks too much questions, I often got answers from your team and corrections when needed.

Nadim Omran

I passed the exam on my first attempt yesterday and achieved an Application Architect!
The study guide and the practice exams helped a lot! Thanks for the great work on those!

Dirceu Vieira

Products are great, I've use them before. I hope to use have time next year to purchase again.

Francis Flores

I’ve cleared my Data Architecture and Management Designer exam today. Thanks so much, team for these guided materials and these are really helpful not just exam-specific!

Anil Kumar

I just passed my Data Architecture & management certification yesterday. Thanks for the good content that helped me a lot to prepare!

Jerome Devemy

Just what is needed to pass the certs. The exams are a true representation of the actual exam and prepares the candidate well enough to take the test.

Nikhil Unnikrishnan

I passed the Sharing & Visibility Designer and Data Architecture and Management Designer certifications making me a certified Salesforce Application Architect. Your study material helped me a lot in achieving this milestone.

Frank van Meegen

Just passed the Data Architecture and Management Exam. Impressed with the quality of the questions, I felt fully prepared for the exam.

Neil Scott

I passed the exam! It’s my 5th certification. Thanks a lot for the great job you have done with the course and practice exams. Well done!

Marco Sala

Focus on Force is the best study resource for Salesforce exams. The study guides help you focus on the key areas for each exam and the practice exams give you great examples of how the question/answers are presented on the real exams. Best part of study guides and exams are the links to external resource to allow you to gain a deeper understanding of each topic. Highly recommend to any Salesforce professional

John Davies

Passed this morning on the first try. All the materials, and especially practice questions were very reflective of exam questions.

Rick Roesler

I purchased the practice exams for the Data Architect and Sharing and Visibility Architect and they were excellent. I went through all of the sections, the review and the practice exams and they were very thorough - I passed both certifications within a week of purchasing the practice exams. Very good, thank you!

Mark Litherland

After countless hours on Focus on Force, I've completed my Application Architect Journey. Salesforce Application Architect certification taught me that behind every high-performing solution, there needs to be a knowledgeable team, empowering leadership and an encouraging company.

Carlos Abrantes

I cleared the certification and I really appreciate the fantastic work your team has been doing on all these study guides and mock tests. Thank you!

Raghavendra Prasad

Once you are done with the quiz,

prepare for your certification exam with 5 realistic practice exams.


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