Sample Questions

Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Architect

This sample practice exam will give you an idea of what you can expect from our fully fledged Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Architect Exams. It only contains a fraction of the questions from our main practice exams, but we've still made sure it's incredibly useful!

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This is just a sample, for the real experience take a look at our Sharing and Visibility Architect practice exams.

Sample Sharing and Visibility Architect Practice Exam

Sharing and Visibility Architect Sample Exam

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I have never failed an exam that I have used FoF to study for. The study guides go through the information required in an easy-to-digest method. The practice exams really help to focus (see what I did there) on the information and how it might be presented in a real exam. I always recommend FoF to anyone looking to study for a certification.

Peter Caitens

I want to thank you for the material you provided for the Sharing & Visibility mock-up exams. They were invaluable in my preparation to pass the exam. Keep up your great work.

Ashraf Seleim

Great guides for use with certifications. Really insightful and you can learn a lot from them.

Ian Frampton

The best way to prepare for the official exam is to take the practice exams here and take notes on what you get wrong.

Scott Hamilton

I passed the Sharing and Visibility designer exam today! Thanks a lot for curating the study guide course and the question bank! Excellent work! Focus on Force practice tests helped in reinforcing the knowledge to a great extent. Practice tests are modelled quite closely to the certification format. The section wise question bank helps you identifying your weaker areas with section itself. I would highly recommend both the study guide and the practice tests to prepare for this certification.

Sneha Cherian

An Amazing training resource. Have been using FoF for all my certs. 100% success rate

Gabriel Amorim

Hi everyone!!! I’d like to share with you that I passed the Sharing and Visibility Designer exam yesterday. (Scoring: 100, 82, and 80). Thank you very much for the fantastic material. I’m very excited and now… Road to Data Architecture and Management Designer.

Aurelio Alonso

Good Questions and relevant.

Abhishek Puranik

The Practice Exams were very helpful and I liked reviewing the logic/explanation provided with every question. The practice exams helped me clear the main exam.

Prathmesh Mengane

I passed Sharing & Visibility Architect and two more certs in the last 100 days. Thank you very much, Focus on Force for your brilliant materials and mock exams!

Rafal Warchol

The Study Guide, along with the Practice Exams, were invaluable for my study process. The guide being aligned to the salesforce exam outline great.

Ben Stokes

Great materials because you explain things with references and screen captures. And despite being a person that asks too much questions, I often got answers from your team and corrections when needed.

Nadim Omran

Excellent material and experience! I passed both my Service Cloud Consultant and Data Sharing and Visibility Architect exams on the first attempt using Focus on Force material. Would not recommend anything else for Salesforce certifications. Thank you!!!

Paula Kreutzfeldt

I just cleared the Sharing Visibility Designer Practice yesterday. Have been a big fan of all your study materials, like the way how you organize the content, crisp and clear.

Vamsee Peddireddi

After countless hours on Focus on Force, I've completed my Application Architect Journey. Salesforce Application Architect certification taught me that behind every high-performing solution, there needs to be a knowledgeable team, empowering leadership and an encouraging company.

Carlos Abrantes

Passed my Sharing & Visibility exam at the weekend. Very happy with the practice exams. Looking forward to the next course

Neil Scott

Very well structured, good explanations of concepts

Dawn Kunig

I just wanted to say thanks - the Sharing & Visibility Designer practice test was a huge help. I definitely would not have passed the certification exam without it. The practice tests highlighted exactly where I was falling short and provided me with the information I needed to succeed. Thank you!

Erick Robertson

Passed the exam this week! The practice exams from FoF are very helpful and what really helped me are the links at the end of the questions. That way you don’t have to search around for reference material.

Thanks, FoF team for curating such helpful material together.

Mahmood Khan

I found this exam easy due to my work in an Experience Cloud setup with a complex hybrid apex sharing model. Focus on Force's materials helped me focus on the parts that I didn't have working experience in and almost always have those "wow" moments where I find I'm eager to look for and test out the new things I've learned.

Lydia Sharpin

They really show you where you need to study more and where your strengths lie!

Kacie Molina

I purchased the practice exams for the Data Architect and Sharing and Visibility Architect and they were excellent. I went through all of the sections, the review and the practice exams and they were very thorough - I passed both certifications within a week of purchasing the practice exams. Very good, thank you!

Mark Litherland

Focus on Force is the best study resource for Salesforce exams. The study guides help you focus on the key areas for each exam and the practice exams give you great examples of how the question/answers are presented on the real exams. Best part of study guides and exams are the links to external resource to allow you to gain a deeper understanding of each topic. Highly recommend to any Salesforce professional

John Davies

Just passed SVD today and the resources here were extremely helpful. The practice exams are an essential part of my exam preparation.

Kristen Acheson

I only did the Practice Exams to study and it was enough to pass the certification. I do have 14yrs of development experience though and this felt like a refresher course.

Jacqueline Uy

Thanks to the courses and practice exams, I just got certified as a Sharing and Visibility Designer. The materials are tremendously helpful for me to understand the breakdown of different sections as well as the types of questions and solutions that will be tested in the real exam. I felt really confident after completing the courses and practice exams and when I was taking the real exam, it just felt like the same, which was incredibly helpful in passing the certification test.

Hao Lu

The explanations for why each possible answer for a question are correct/incorrect are very helpful.

Anthony Martin

Very helpful in passing this exam. In the time I had probably wouldn't have achieved it without it.

Erwin Meijboom

Just what is needed to pass the certs. The exams are a true representation of the actual exam and prepares the candidate well enough to take the test.

Nikhil Unnikrishnan

Hey Team! I’m so happy to announce that I got my Platform Developer 1 credentials today in my very first attempt. Thank you so much FOF team, the course materials, and the practice exams were very useful and gave me thorough knowledge and guidance regarding the types of questions and how to solve them.

Please keep doing this kind of stellar work. Cheers!

Deepro De

I passed the Sharing & Visibility Designer and Data Architecture and Management Designer certifications making me a certified Salesforce Application Architect. Your study material helped me a lot in achieving this milestone.

Frank van Meegen

As always I find the practice exams from Focus on Force invaluable to give you the confidence you are on the right lines heading up to certification time. Thanks for the help again!

Ho Lam Cheung

Just wanted to say thank you so much for preparing the Sharing and Visibility Study Guide and Practice Exams, they were extremely helpful! Keep up the great work!

Tanjid Mowla

Once you are done with the quiz,

prepare for your certification exam with 5 realistic practice exams.


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