Salesforce Voucher Bundle
Get More, Pay Less: Salesforce Certification Bundle with Voucher, Practice Exams, and Study Guide starting from $99
If you are looking for a package that includes a Salesforce certification voucher and exam preparation materials, Focus on Force has a bundle for you! Our exam certification bundle includes our practice exams, study guide and Salesforce certification voucher for less than the cost of purchasing the certification on its own.

Salesforce Voucher
Voucher to use when registering for a Salesforce exam

Practice Exams
Practice Exams for the certification you choose

Study Guide
Study Guide for the certification you choose
Frequently Asked Questions
We will provide you with the expiration date. It will generally be around 11 months from your date of purchase.
Refunds cannot be provided for the voucher bundle as we are providing a code and we cannot track if it has been used.
After your purchase our customer support team will email you with the voucher code. Please allow up to 48 hours for us to send the email.
Register for the exam in Webassessor. Select the exam and schedule the date. On the checkout page, enter your payment type. You can enter the voucher/coupon code here.