
Salesforce Experience Cloud Consultant Study Guide

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8 Lessons

Experience Cloud Consultant - Certification Goal


Take this Course

Experience Cloud Basics

Sharing, Visibility and Licensing

Branding, Personalization and Content

Templates and Themes

User Creation and Authentication

Adoption and Analytics

Administration, Setup and Configuration

Customization Considerations, and Limitations


  1. Judy Otto

    Correction on my post, there is just one green checkbox for the other sections. It’s just missing on the Templates and Themes section.

  2. Judy Otto

    In the Experience Cloud Consultant, and on the lesson page where it checks off each topic as it’s completed, the Templates and Themes section has 4 sections. These do not have the green checkbox like all the other sections. So I’m finished with it and have marked each of the sections complete but there are no green checkmarks. Not a big deal but letting you know.

  3. Sonia Colaw

    Thank again for great study materials. I started using the study guide and practice exams on March 25th, and passed the exam on April 4th on the 1st attempt.

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Sonia, ? Congratulations on passing the Experience Cloud exam on your first attempt! We’re thrilled to hear that you found our study materials helpful. Keep up the great work and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any further assistance or resources.

    1. Rielle G. Focus Team

      Great news, Smita! Congratulations on clearing the certification exam! We are glad to know that we are able to help, cheers!

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations, Florence on passing Experience Cloud Cert! Our team is thrilled to have played a part in your success. Well done, and here’s to many more accomplishments in your future!

    1. Nasir Naseem Siddiqui

      This is for given-a-scenario-set-the-correct-object-visibility-in-an-experience.

      Also in on the same topic Slide 44, it says that the guest user’s access for required objects can be either be ‘Read’ or ‘Create’. Whereas in Slide 50, the screenshot has edit access on the custom object.

  4. Carmen Nixon

    Hi FocusOnForce Team,

    I noticed something odd reference under the Experience Cloud Study material under Sharing, Visibility, and LicensiGiven a scenario, specifically implement external account relationships for an Experience – Slide #27.
    It shows that “The Number of roles per Org is 50,000” – I don’t think this governor limit is correct, as even for a Salesforce Org unlimited edition, the max # of roles is 10,000.

    Can you please check on this?

    Thank you,

  5. Rafael Suarez

    Passed Today after putting it off for 4 months and then takingg it seriously 2 months ago. The test was ridiculous, which I sort of expected, but hoped against. FoF prepared me very well for the administration section, which I aced at 90%. Did very well on Basics and Templates/Themes. (90%). Good job on that FoF.

    1. FOF Moderator

      Hello Rafael! We are glad to hear that you are now a certified Salesforce Experience Cloud Consultant. Your preparation and diligence surely paid off. Congratulations and the whole FOF Team is happy for your new milestone!

    1. FOF Moderator

      Hello Jorge! We are glad to hear that you are now certified for Experience Cloud. Your preparation and diligence surely paid off. Congratulations and the whole FOF Team is happy for your new milestone!

    1. FOF Moderator

      Hello Bryant! We are glad to hear that you are passed the certification for Experience Cloud. Your preparation and diligence surely paid off. Congratulations and the whole FOF Team is happy for your new milestone!