Salesforce JavaScript Developer 1
Sample Questions
This sample practice exam will give you an idea of what you can expect from our fully fledged JavaScript Developer 1 Exams. It only contains a fraction of the questions from our main practice exams, but we've still made sure it's incredibly useful!

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There are 10 random sample questions that cover the topics in the exam. To start, simply choose your exam mode below and click Begin.
This is just a sample, for the real experience take a look at our JavaScript Developer 1 practice exams
Sample JavaScript Developer 1 Practice Exam
Javascript Developer 1 Sample Exam
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Both the practice and the study guide where really useful. They had all the content that was asked on the test in an organized - easy to follow way. I also really liked the videos included on the Javascript Study Guide.

Great materials, a 10 out of 10 for me. It’s not just great for the exams but also for learning the domain covered.

I found the Javascript Study Guide and Practice Exams brilliant! I would say this is your best course.

I found the materials very useful. I completed all the Trailhead modules and found them to be very insufficient for passing the Admin Cert. Your study guide was much more thorough and the practice questions were great. I passed the exam on the first try through 2 weeks of studying from your course!

Once you are done with the quiz,
prepare for your certification exam with realistic practice exams.