Sample Questions
Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant
This sample practice exam will give you an idea of what you can expect from our fully fledged Sales Cloud Consultant Exams. It only contains a fraction of the questions from our main practice exams, but we've still made sure it's incredibly useful!

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There are 10 random sample questions that cover the topics in the exam. To start, simply choose your exam mode below and click Begin.
This is just a sample, for the real experience take a look at our Sales Cloud Consultant practice exams
Sample Sales Cloud Practice Exam
Sales Cloud Sample Exam
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Service Cloud
I've just passed the Service Cloud Consultant today. This is my toughest Salesforce Exam until now. But with the very well organized information from this site, I passed this exam first try.

I had scheduled the exam for today but didn’t get a chance to study like on Trailhead and everywhere else. So, I just worked on these practice exams for the last 5 days, and I successfully passed today. Thank you Focus On Force!

I passed the Service Cloud Exam! The Study guide was fantastic and the Practice Questions were very similar to the questions I got. It was pretty easy if you study properly. Thank you!

Great materials because you explain things with references and screen captures. And despite being a person that asks too much questions, I often got answers from your team and corrections when needed.

Excellent material and experience! I passed both my Service Cloud Consultant and Data Sharing and Visibility Architect exams on the first attempt using Focus on Force material. Would not recommend anything else for Salesforce certifications. Thank you!!!

I was really struggling with my Service Cloud consultant exam studying until I found your site. If I had not purchased your practice exams I don't think I would have passed as easily!

Thank you so much Martin!! I only read your material and did your questions and cracked the exam ?

One and done (again :)! This is my 7th SFDC certification with you and I wanted to share the great news with all. Thank you, FoF and keep up the great work!

Just passed today! Thanks for all your help. The sample exams were really helpful.

I quickly scanned through the Study Guide, but the Practice Exams are really what helped me the most to prepare and successfully pass my Service Cloud certification!

I found the Service Cloud Consultant Practice Exams useful. The questions are very much in line with what the actual exam is structured as.

Focus on Force materials are very useful and the mock exams are one of the best as it gives an explanation on each question and answer. It helped me to clear my exam.

Thank you for the great learning content Martin ! I only used your Service Cloud Study Guide and Practice Exam to learn and practice and successfully passed the Service Cloud certification in just a few days. I would definitely highly recommend your website to anyone looking to see the magical "PASS" displayed on the screen :)

I have been working in the Salesforce ecosystem for over 6 years and hadn't needed to sit for my certifications until I recently started job hunting and certs became a "must-have". Despite my hands-on experience, the Focus on Force study guides and practice exams helped me to understand how the questions are formatted (with some super tricky ones designed to trip you up), and fill in many knowledge gaps that I wasn't exposed to previously. I successfully passed 5 certifications first time using their materials (Sales Cloud Consultant, Service Cloud Consultant, Platform App Builder, Advanced Admin, Admin). I love that thorough explanations and links to Salesforce sources are provided in each answer so that you can deeply understand the content. Thanks Focus on Force for the great learning experience!

Yes passed my test after 10 days of study! Much better than it used to be. Being able to take the exam and save the state is awesome!!!

Thanks Martin for this course. I managed to pass the exam and it's certainly thanks to your course. I would recommend everyone who want to get this cert to follow this course.

Greetings. I’d like to say “thank you” to the FOF team for this excellent way to prepare for certifications and identify the gaps in the knowledge. Having accepted an offer from the new company, I was tasked with completing 5 certifications in a limited amount of time, including Service Cloud Consultant. This is the third exam that I’ve decided to take in and I’m happy to report that I passed. While there are of course some differences between the actual exam and what we have here, in my opinion, FoF tests prepare you better for the actual job and help you better understand the product and possible solutions.

I just passed my 4th Salesforce Certification, all earned within 14 months of starting my first badge on Trailhead with no prior SFDC knowledge.
Focus On Force has been instrumental in preparing for those exam, and I wanted to say THANK YOU for providing such amazing resources. The practice exams are very reflective of the actual Salesforce exams, and the resources provided in each answer are extremely helpful. My study time is cut down to a fraction of what it would be otherwise without Focus On Force. I look forward to passing many more with your help!

Service cloud course material are great. These helped to prep for the cert

Happy to report I passed today! I only purchased the exams for the Service Cloud Consultant exam but I found them great to further embed my knowledge. Highly recommended and in fact, I’ve already purchased other material from Focus On Force - this time both the guide and the tests for an upcoming exam.

Useful and simple to use

Focus on Force is the best study resource for Salesforce exams. The study guides help you focus on the key areas for each exam and the practice exams give you great examples of how the question/answers are presented on the real exams. Best part of study guides and exams are the links to external resource to allow you to gain a deeper understanding of each topic. Highly recommend to any Salesforce professional

I passed the exam on my first try using this site and trailhead only. Huge thanks to Focus on Force and Martin!

Once you are done with the quiz,
prepare for your certification exam with 5 realistic practice exams.