
Salesforce Certified Platform Developer 2 Practice Exams

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Platform Developer 2 - Certification Goal

Topic Exams

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  1. Ramon Melo

    I passed the PD2 exam with 75% after reading through all the materials once and taking each of the practice exams also once. It took me a bit over a week and around 50 hours of studying. By the end, I was getting around 60% in the practice exams, but the actual exam turned out to be a notch below in terms of difficulty.

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      πŸŽ‰ Huge congratulations, Ramon, on passing the Platform Developer 2 exam with 75%! πŸŽ‰ It’s fantastic to hear that our materials and practice exams helped you prepare. We’re so proud of your achievement and wish you continued success in your Salesforce journey! πŸš€

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations, Subhash, on passing your Platform Developer II exam! πŸŽ‰ We’re thrilled to hear that Focus on Force helped boost your confidence and contributed to your success. Keep up the great work, and best of luck with your future certifications! πŸš€

  2. Dimitrije Pesic

    I passed my Platform Developer 2 this last week and I must say FOF team did a great job with study guide and practice exams on this one. I felt like the exam was a breeze and many questions seemed easier than practice exams here, but still touched the same concepts.
    Thanks FOF team.

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      πŸŽ‰ Congratulations, Dimitrije, on passing your Platform Developer 2 exam! We’re thrilled to hear that our study guide and practice exams helped make the exam feel like a breeze. It’s always rewarding to know that our materials closely align with the actual exam and give you the confidence to succeed. Thank you for your kind words, and best of luck with your continued Salesforce journey! πŸš€

  3. Max Bechdel

    Experienced dev here, used this and the study guide for about 40 hours total, and boy did it help (there was a lot of VF and Aura I had to relearn). Passed the cert, thanks FoF!

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations on passing the Platform Developer 2 exam, Daniel! πŸŽ‰ We’re thrilled to hear about your success. Thank you for choosing us to help you on your journey! πŸš€

  4. Forcer123

    Hi FF Team,

    Passed my exam today. Practice exam questions are not fully identical with real exam questions but spot on, covering every single concept that occured on the exam. So by going through the study guide and exams and checking the linked documentation where I had questions helped me a lot.

    Thank you for the materials and for all the answers in the FF forums when I had some feedback/question.

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations on passing your Platform Developer 2 exam today! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our practice exams and study guides helped you cover all the key concepts. Your dedication to going through the materials and checking the linked documentation really paid off. Thank you for your kind words and for being an active member of the FF forums! ?

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Arun, Congratulations on passing Platform Developer 2 exam! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our materials were instrumental in your success. Keep up the great work! ?