
Associate Practice Exams

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Associate - Certification Goal

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    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations on passing the Certified Associate exam, Marie! 🎉 Best of luck with your Certified AI Associate journey. We’re cheering you on all the way! 🚀

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations on completing your Associate certification on the first try, Justin! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our materials were spot on and very helpful. Great job, and keep up the fantastic work! ?

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations on passing your Associate exam, Piotr! ? We’re thrilled to hear that you found our materials helpful. Thank you for sharing your success with us, and best of luck in your future endeavors! ?

  1. sofien dami

    I just passed the Associate cert with a high percentage thanks to the practice exams. I really suggest them. You don’t have to do the trailhead modules, the exams are really all what you need

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Sofien, Congratulations on passing the Associate cert with a high percentage! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our practice exams were all you needed. Thank you for the strong recommendation! ?

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Sylvie, Congratulations on passing the Associate exams on your first try! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our questions helped you succeed. Best of luck with your upcoming Admin exams. We know you’ll do great! ?

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hello David, Congratulations on passing the Associate exam! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our materials were valuable to you. Great job, and keep up the fantastic work! ?

  2. Jay Johnson

    Just passed my Salesforce Associate exam yesterday! I’ve been retired for 5 yrs… I’m now back in the work enviornment. This course was very helpful in getting my brain back to learning. I will recommend this program!!!

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Jay, Congratulations on passing your Salesforce Associate exam! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our course was helpful in getting you back into the learning groove. Thank you for your recommendation, and welcome back to the learning phase! ?

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      ? Congratulations De’Anna, on passing your Salesforce associate exam on your first try! ? We’re thrilled to hear that our practice exams helped you achieve this milestone. Keep up the fantastic work, and we wish you continued success in your Salesforce journey! ?

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      That’s fantastic news, congrats on passing your Associate cert! We’re so proud of you, and best of luck on your Admin cert!