
Business Analyst Practice Exams

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Business Analyst - Certification Goal

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    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Lauren, Congratulations on passing your BA Cert! That’s a great accomplishment and it’s wonderful to hear that you found our study materials helpful. Well done! I’m sure you worked hard and put in a lot of effort to achieve this success, so it’s great to see it pay off.
      Keep up the good work!

  1. Y@tForce

    Hello FOF,
    Passed my SFDC BA exams on one shot. This is my fourth one, all thanks to Focus on Force great support materials !!! Can’t thank the team enough for the time and energy that you put for us all!! Keep the great work going!
    Thanks again!

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Congratulations!! We are glad to hear that you are now a certified Salesforce Business Analyst. Thank you for the kind words, the whole FOF Team is happy for you. Your preparation and diligence surely paid off. Congratulations again and all the best for your next milestone!

    1. Rielle G. Focus Team

      Awesome news, Sarmad! Congratulations on clearing the exam, the whole team is happy to know that we are able to help! Cheers!

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Will, Congratulations!! and thank you so much for your encouraging & kind words. We are so happy to hear that FoF has been helpful in your Salesforce journey, and we are always open to hearing more feedback on how we can make it even better. Please reach out to us if you have any suggestions or thoughts on how we can improve our platform.
      All the best!

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Gert-Jan, we are glad to inform you that our team has already started working on Study Course for Business Analyst Course, although it takes a lot of time, research, and effort to create one, so launching it would only be possible by the end of Jan 2023.
      Hope this helps. If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to us.
      All the best!

  2. Lee Freedman

    It is a bit of a worry that the Trailhead Prep for BA cert has literally 1 or 2 references to ‘Collaboration with Stakeholders’ despite it being the largest % of the test. So not surprisingly that is the section I am doing poorly in. Are there any other resources inside or outside of FOF on that area ‘Collaboration with Stakeholders’?
    Thank you.

    1. Sara Samonte

      Hi Lee,

      The categorization of modules in the BA Trailmix isn’t black and white. Some modules under ‘Customer Discovery’ can also apply to ‘Collaboration with Stakeholders’.

      We are still in the process of creating the BA Study Guide. In the meantime, you might find these resources helpful:–information-discovery

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Bailey, Hope you are doing well. Thank you for the compliment and kind words.
      Comments like these make our day and encourages us to keep producing the best-in-class Salesforce study material and Practice Exams.

  3. Nate S.

    Hi, I think one thing that could be more clear is when to send out a survey, when to conduct a focus group, and when to do an interview. I’ve gone through Customer Discovery and Collaboration with Stakeholders question banks, and a couple of the questions seem to be at odds with one another. When exactly should one option be chosen over the other two?

    1. Sara Samonte

      Hi Nate,

      Interviewing is a fast way to directly hear from customers and stakeholders about their current experiences and suggestions for improvement. It allows stakeholders and customers to share candid thoughts, concerns, and ideas. The questions have more room for discussion and is great for discovery sessions.

      Survey is an indirect way of collecting data from a group of users to gain information and insights into various topics. This method is ideal for obtaining additional information or if the business analyst wants to get the feedback of a predefined set of users about a certain topic (new feature, change, etc.). The scope is limited by the questions from the survey.

      A focus group interview/discussion is effective to obtain information about preferences and opinions in a relaxed, non-threatening space from a group that belongs to the same environment. It is useful for discussions where participation from the group members are valuable, like when someone shares an idea and other people agree/disagree or add more information.

      If you remember the specific question(s) that confused you, please let us know and we will find a way to improve the question.

  4. Y@tForce

    Hi! Good to know that there will be only 3 answer options for each question in the real BA Certification Exams.
    In my past Salesforce exams, the questions could have more than 1 correct answer, which was harder.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Rielle G. Focus Team

      Hi Laura, that is correct. The official BA certification exam follows the same format where each question will have 3 options to choose from.