
Salesforce Certified Platform Developer 2 Practice Exams

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Platform Developer 2 - Certification Goal

Topic Exams

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Practice Exams

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  1. Sunny

    I passed the exam 3 days agoon my first try. The course study guide and practice exams did help. I also read through the documentation links posted after each section of the study guide (or exam answer), and did a lot of practice coding and setup for the relevant topics using the examples in the documentation. I passed the exam comfortably. Thank you focusonforce!

    1. Rielle G.

      Awesome news, Radosław! Congratulations on clearing the PDII exam, the whole team is happy to know that our materials helped! Cheers!

  2. Dmitry Ardashov

    Hi, here!

    Yesterday I passed Dev2.
    Thank FoF for the Course provided!

    I want to share my impression for future test takers.
    The questions of the real exam seemed to me more complicated than those given in the course (more complex logic in questions on the code) and some of the questions are not covered by the course (Heroku etc.).
    I recommend that you carefully read all the links under the questions of the course, and strive to understand the essence of all the answers of the questions bank.
    You become as ready as Dev 1.5 )) and get enough time to think over complex and unexpected questions while having real exam.

    Good luck!

  3. Tiphanie

    I just passed the Developer II Multiple Choice today. Thanks a lot for all your great work Focusonforce, it really prepare me well 🙂 Just need to take the last superbadge now ^^

        1. Ian Focus Team

          Hi Samit, we’re working on the updates across all the different certifications we’re handling concurrently. We’re looking at getting the updates out in a few weeks.

  4. Eran Vizel

    Just passed the PDII exam, thank you for a thorough preparation source.
    However, I have to say that the preparation exams are fairly outdated. Too many questions about subjects that are no longer in the syllabus (Visualforce related mostly) and no Lightning/Aura questions at all, the real exam must’ve had at least 5 Lightning/Aura code snippet questions. To your attention and consideration.

    1. Ian Focus Team

      Hi Eran, congratulations on passing the Platform Developer II exam! As you know, their questions are randomized and exam sets differ between each user to varying degrees. Based on their exam guide, Visualforce still plays a big part. We also cover Aura and LWC questions as it is included in the objectives. Thank you for the valuable feedback. Cheers!

  5. santiago bermudez

    can you make the logic and process automation exam avaliable for chunks of 20 questions?, when i try to take all the 85 the cache only saves 25 per day, if i try to continue with the test the next day i have to refresh de page and only 25 questions are saved and the questions after 25 are lost, so it is impossible to finish all that test in one day.

    1. Martin Gessner Focus Team Post author

      Yes we will split it into parts. There should not be a restriction on the number of questions that are saved, it is saved locally in a cookie for a week.

  6. jpb777

    I have successfully completed PD2 assessment on 2/7. Thanks to focusonforce on providing detailed explanation on each and every question from which I learned most of it.