
Salesforce Experience Cloud Consultant Study Guide

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8 Lessons

Experience Cloud Consultant - Certification Goal


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Experience Cloud Basics

Sharing, Visibility and Licensing

Branding, Personalization and Content

Templates and Themes

User Creation and Authentication

Adoption and Analytics

Administration, Setup and Configuration

Customization Considerations, and Limitations


  1. Neelakanta Vasanth

    Hello Guys

    Thanks for the wonderful study guide and awesome question bank. I passed the exam, in my first attempt, mainly by religiously going through your materials and of course by executing exercises/projects on Trailhead.

    Many thanks

    1. Rielle G. Focus Team

      Wonderful! Congratulations on clearing the exam, Neelakanta! The whole FOF team is happy to know that we are able to help! Cheers!

    2. FOF Moderator

      Hi Neel! We are glad to know that you have passed the Experience Cloud Certification. Congratulations on this milestone. It is our honor to be able to prepare you well for the exam you had. Great job! On to the next goals that you have set! We wish you all the best on your next certifications. Job well done!

  2. Alexander Morozov

    Hey there! Hot from the press – just passed the certification and studied predominantly using the FOF guides and exam simulations. Really appreciate the time and effort you put into the content.

    1. FOF Moderator

      Hi Alexander! We are glad to know that you have passed the Experience Cloud Consultant Certification. Congratulations on this milestone. It is our honor to be able to prepare you well for the exam you had. Great job! On to the next goals that you have set! We wish you all the best on your next certifications. Job well done!

  3. Mickael Pieters

    Hi – It seems that the whole topics and structure changed, I was half way through the study and it now all changed. Is it because of a new exam structure? Is there any way to map what I had already done?

    1. Martin Gessner Focus Team Post author

      Hi Mickael, as we mentioned in the note box, Salesforce updated Community Cloud to Experience Cloud recently and we have been working hard to update our materials to align with the new exam objectives. As the structure and many of the objectives have changed, we would suggest to start from the top, you will recognise some of the same objectives but it would be best to go through everything again, as some of the terms have changed, e.g. Community -> Experience Cloud site etc.

  4. Amit Gupta

    I logged in to the community cloud study guide today and all the topics have been changed. I understand this was done to update the guide per the new exam guidelines, but is there a way to know which topics are new and which have just been rebranded? For eg, I had finished the implementation, and sharing and security modules and completed half of the community setup module. What’s the equivalent of that in the new guide?

    1. Martin Gessner Focus Team Post author

      Hi Amit, As the structure and many of the objectives have changed, we would suggest to start again from the first topic, you will recognise some of the same objectives but it would be best to go through everything again, as some of the terms have changed, not only Community -> Experience Cloud site but many others. You can find a reference here:

  5. JT Toro

    Strangely my question / comment raised here yesterday (added under one posted a week ago) has been deleted – why? Or was it moved elsewhere?

  6. Jenny McClure

    Hi Martin! Will this course be updated to the new Spring 21 Release which now calls this certification Experience Cloud Consultant and has modified objectives?

  7. David Black

    Hi – I’ve just completed my cert and passed it so thanks for the course and it certainly helped get across the subjects. Some feedback in that I did find the exam significantly harder than the examples here. Lots more edge cases and red herring type questions – also felt significantly skewed towards complex sharing and security scenarios. I scored 90+ in the example tests but felt lucky to pass the exam.

    1. Rielle G. Focus Team

      Congratulations, David! Thanks for sharing your experience. The whole team is happy to know that we are able to help, cheers!