
Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Practice Exams

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Marketing Cloud Email Specialist - Certification Goal

Topic Exams

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    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Henrietta! ? Congratulations on acing the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam! We’re thrilled to hear that our resources played a role in your success. We’re confident you’ll smash the Marketing Cloud Admin exam too! Keep an eye out for future FoF offerings, you never know what we might have in store.

      Best of luck!
      FoF Team

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Ionut, That’s fantastic news – we knew you could do it! Your dedication and hard work really paid off. We’re so proud of you – enjoy celebrating this achievement!

  1. Maria Rajpoot

    On Subscriber and Data Management topic exams:
    Q.23 – Is there a max on number of records to be imported for which we should consider importing a CSV rather manually adding on contact builder? The question confused me because I thought what if there are a number of personalisation fields and entering them (even if it’s just 3 records) can be time consuming, so best to import a CSV but that’s not the right answer.

    1. Aleksandra Kowalczyk Focus Team

      Hello Maria,

      This question aims to verify the knowledge about the possibility of manually adding tester records to Data Extensions in Contact Builder. There are no official recommendations regarding this process but oftentimes it is easier to manually add a record or two to a test Data Extension that to perform a CSV import that requires more steps.

      Kind regards.

  2. Sanket Patel

    Wow, Marketing Cloud Email specialist really came in clutch for me. I was able to score high in Content creation, Automation and Subscriber Management and get certified. But you know what would be even better? If you could add Marketing Cloud Consultant and Marketing Cloud Developer to the available courses. That would seriously increase my chances of passing on the first try.

    1. Sandeep Focus Team

      Hi Sanket, congratulations on becoming a Marketing Cloud Email Specialist! We’re thrilled to hear that our course helped you score high in Content creation, Automation, and Subscriber Management. Thank you for your feedback on adding Marketing Cloud Consultant and Marketing Cloud Developer courses. We will definitely consider your suggestion and strive to provide even more opportunities for you to excel in your career. Keep up the great work!

  3. Sascha Schindler

    There is a contradiction in the exam “Subscriper and Data Management” in the question “Which use cases are supported when Marketing Cloud Connect is enabled in the account?”:

    The answers and also the explanation beneath claim the following:
    “Synchronised Data Extensions must be queried with SQL or filtered with Data Filters and stored in Standard Marketing Cloud Data Extensions to be available for email sending.”
    But at the same time:
    “A user cannot apply Data Filters to Synchronized Data Extensions, SQL Queries must be used instead.”

    Could you correct the question or elaborate on this?