Study Guide

Platform Developer 1 Study Guide

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7 Lessons

Platform Developer 1 - Certification Goal


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Developer Fundamentals

Process Automation and Logic: Declarative Features

Process Automation and Logic: Basic Apex

Process Automation and Logic: Advanced Topics

User Interface

Testing, Debugging and Deployment: Testing

Testing, Debugging and Deployment: Debugging and Deployment


  1. Tanjid

    Passed the exam on Sunday. The study guide and the practice exams were really helpful. Thanks Martin for all the time and energy that you have put into these courses!

  2. Michael Straw

    Thanks! I just used this course, links and wrote code…passed exam today! Will access to this course expire?

  3. swapnil.borkar

    Got certified yesterday ! The exam way more difficult than I expected based on the test exams in . I was able to score about 85% , the study material here definitely helped me prepare for exam. Here is how I did it – Went over all topics in study guide and prepared my own notes for each topic focusing on things I was not clear about. Worked on those areas using trailhead/Dev Org to get clarity. Revised only my notes ,the second time. Then attempted all practice exams . and focused on topics for which I was not able to answer questions.
    The most important thing I got out of this material is , that I don’t have to go multiple places to look for information , it saved me a lot of time.
    Thanks a lot!

  4. Ramesh Dasari

    Hello Martin, The study material presented here for Dev I (along with samples questions here) is sufficient to get through certification?? Or do you recommend any additional study material outside of this course? Please advice. Thank you.

    1. Martin Gessner Post author

      We always recommend to use our material in combination with trailhead and to dig into the reference links we provide in the study guides and practice exams.

  5. Anand Subramanian

    I am planning to write the Developer exam in few weeks. Is my understanding correct that weightage is still more on VisualForce rather than Lightning Components for the exam?

    1. Martin Gessner Post author

      Hi Anand, the topics are quite specific (e.g. formula fields, roll-up summary fields, writing triggers, test classes) so most are not UI specific. There are 2 topics that are just on the Lightning framework these are in the User Interface section.

  6. Inna


    I have a doubt regarding deployment using ANT Migration Tool. When we have to deploy a custom object with all the fields to a different org, then do we just need to include the custom object in the package.xml or we need to include all fields as well?