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Focus on Force Launches Mind Maps Feature for Salesforce Learners

Discover why teams and individuals improve productivity by 45-65% with mind maps!

Good news! Focus on Force has launched a brand new feature that now allows users like you that are studying for Salesforce certifications to create their own Mind maps!

What is a mind map?

Generally, mind mapping is a visual information management tool that enables learners to  analyze, process, and organize data in a more creative way. Content is more organized with mind maps because particulars are given a graphical nature, therefore, making them easier to understand. To put it simply: a mind map creates a framework of ideas and helps you visualize them.

And making one is easy, too: you simply take a central concept and then draw out sub-concepts in the process.

Salesforce Mind Map

What is a mind map used for? 

  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Jot down notes 
  • Summarize information from a book 
  • Planning a report 
  • Studying for an exam 
  • Planning an essay 
  • Discover the root cause of problems

As you can see, mind maps can be used in a number of ways in relation to your studies. 

You can record the ideas you’ve brainstormed before you actually forget them and use them to write down notes. With mind maps, you will be able to see how ideas and concepts are related to each other, and studying for an exam will be made easier with them as well.

Try planning an essay using them and trace the root source of problems easily.

Why use mind maps?

  • Mind maps will help enhance your memory. 
  • Mind maps will encourage you to think.
  • Mind maps will help see how ideas are related. 
  • Mind maps will keep information organized. 
  • Mind maps save you time studying. 
  • Mind maps can help you to see the whole and how the parts work together. 
  • New ideas can be added easily without rewriting.

Mind maps have been used as a teaching strategy for decades as they generate, sort, connect, and elaborate ideas and concepts.

It gives learners the ability to remember and process images easier than with long sentences and paragraphs. When you draw out a mind map, you’re essentially creating a visual representation of that particular subject (i.e. idea, term, or essential question). 

You can now summarize information and organize complex processes. Understanding how to read mind maps is a very effective way to learn material.

How To Study More Effectively

Do you sometimes feel like your study habits simply don’t cut it? Good study habits do not happen overnight and need to be developed.

When you’re balancing your studies with your job and other responsibilities, you could easily push yourself on the edge of burnout — which is why it is crucial that you develop a practice of being actively engaged in the materials you’re studying, and not just thoughtlessly memorizing your notes. 

Studying does not just mean reading and re-reading your study notes. 

According to researchers, learning information requires being actively engaged in the material. This means creating a study guide by topic, creating diagrams and mind maps that explain the material,  identifying the big ideas (so you can explain, differentiate, and re-evaluate them), working the problems (and explaining the steps and why they work), pretending to be the instructor and saying the information aloud in your own words, etc.

The most important thing is how your study time is used, not how long you’ve studied.

Let’s get this straight: re-reading is inefficient and only leads to quick forgetting.


Salesforce mind mapping

To set yourself up for success, here are some scientifically-proven study tips that will help you get better at studying:

  • Set a study schedule — Some people are morning people whereas others are night owls. Take control of your calendar and choose study days and times within the week that actually work for you.

  • Know your own pace — Start with topics that you find interesting and understand better. Treat each topic/chapter as a battle and fight each battle one by one. Also, don’t force yourself to study when your brainpower isn’t at its peak.

  • Sleep is crucial for memory function — Sleep researchers have found that inadequate sleep impedes procedural memory a.k.a. remembering how to do something.

  • Put your phone on silent mode and turn off Netflix while studying — Instead, turn these distractions into prizes for meeting study goals.

  • Find an effective study location — Studying in a quiet area is not always recommended because some people actually learn better in a location with some background noise. Choose a study place that works for you.

  • Munch on snacks that power your brain (i.e. dark chocolate, nuts, apples, etc.) — Compliment your studies with food items that improve brain function. In one study, participants were made to eat 48 grams of dark chocolate (70% cacao and 30% organic cane sugar). 30 minutes to an hour after eating the chocolate, their brains were scanned with EEG (which measures brain waves). The research team reported that gamma waves increased across several areas of the cortex, mainly related to cognition and memory. Other food items that will also work are nuts and apple slices. 

  • Be a teacher — Recite your lessons aloud to a friend or family member, as if you are the teacher. Learning study materials this way actively engages your brain and will increase memory retention, according to a 1975 study.

  • Join a study group — Being part of a study team enhances learning and helps to avoid procrastination. This is because study team members can teach poorly-understood concepts that they understand to other study team members.

  • Kick multitasking goodbye — Chatting or doing household chores while studying is a recipe for mental fatigue. When attention is spread out, your brain does not fully engage — it just shifts from one thing to another repeatedly.

  • Quiz yourself — Research shows that self-testing works well for learners from preschool all the way through graduate and professional education. Self-testing can also take many forms: answering questions at the end of a chapter, using flashcards, and taking practice exams online. 

  • Improve topic comprehension with mind maps — Numerous studies have placed visual learning somewhere between 45% and 65% in popularity. The reason why diagrams and mind maps are so powerful for learning and teaching is because studying is more than just processing things and remembering them. You need to understand the concepts and the actual relationship between those concepts.

mind maps when studying for Salesforce

How are mind maps relevant when studying for Salesforce certifications?

Mind maps come highly recommended when studying for Salesforce certifications because mind maps give you the ability to visually break down Salesforce functionality into memorable layouts, making the flow easier to understand and remember.

Here’s what Salesforce data looks in a  mind map,  using the integration we built:

salesforce mind map

The best way to use a mind map is mapping out what you're learning while going through our Salesforce study guides and materials. With a mind map, you can add, remove and move topics and subtopics around—it can really be as simple or as detailed as you want it to be. Ideas can now be saved before they are actually forgotten.

Since you have complete creative freedom with our mind map tool, this gives you the opportunity to draw out anything you wish to put your focus on and visualize - and as you do this, your brain learns the pattern! And this becomes useful when you're taking the actual Salesforce certification exam, because you will be geared with the visual memory of the mind map you took the time to create yourself.

Not only does it make learning Salesforce fun, but it's also a shortcut to understanding topics where you need help the most! Access to mind maps gives you an edge in your journey towards getting Salesforce certified, use it to your advantage!

How do you create a mind map?

You can start with a main topic and branch out subtopics and points from it. 

You can then edit, drag, remove topics and subtopics as you wish, and you can further personalize your mind map by adjusting text font styles/sizes and background colors.

mind mapping for salesforce

Additionally, the Focus on Force mind map feature allows you to zoom in/out and pan, add links & notes, undo and redo, add priority & progress indicators, add tags, go on full screen mode/expand, use layout & button presets, copy-paste & clear styles, arrange information up & down, and save your mind map.

The Focus on Force tech team encourages users to try laying out their lessons visually in patterns they would find easier to digest.

Are mind maps free?

This newly-launched feature is free for all Focus on Force users on the study guides at the bottom of the lesson objectives. 

The mind maps can be found at the bottom of the lesson objectives and are highly-customizable. 

Try it for yourself! The next time you need to study, start with a mind map and see how well it benefits you to actually visualize what you’re studying.

Focus on force mind map feature
Focus on force mind map tool

What Certification are you studying for now?

Focus on Force currently provides practice exams and study guides for sixteen certifications